Tell us a little about your business. How would you describe it in less than fifty words?
The Scuba News connects divers worldwide with the latest news, offers and travel deals.
Do you have any exciting projects on the horizon?
As the audience of The Scuba News continues to grow on a daily basis our primary aim is to add more features that ensure that we will always be the “go to” resource for divers from all over the world.
How did you get to where you are today?
I have been working in marketing and publishing for nearly 20 years and when I became a diver it seemed to make sense to turn my work into something that directly related to the hobby I was passionate about.
You should always do what you love and combining my love of marketing, publishing and diving makes coming to work every day much more pleasurable.
What inspires and motivates you?
I love helping people and The Scuba News allows me to help diving businesses of all sizes connect with the diving community as a whole. I am also inspired by those divers who search for things that are lost in the depths. I have a particular love for wreck diving so being able to report on people locating long lost wrecks is fantastic, even if I am not always on the trips that discover them!
Why did you choose to support Friends for Sharks?
I have been wanting to become a bit more philanthropic in recent years but time and money don’t always allow the freedom to do it. Friends for Sharks came along at the perfect time where I thought I could add genuine value to the project. Shark preservation is such an important part of ocean conservation and should be given as much awareness as possible, particularly to school children. Kat and Nick are passionate about the project and I am proud to have been asked for my support in the first place and even more proud to know that I am helping them in areas where they need it. I look forward to The Scuba News becoming even more involved in the future and hopefully reporting from some of the talks they are doing around the world.
Do you have any shark encounters you would like to share with us?
Unfortunately not. I have still not seen sharks in the water but I have no doubt that will all change at some point in the next couple of years.
What is your hope for the future of the oceans?
Conservation and preservation are vital to the future of our oceans but this has to start with education. Not just education in schools but education for people of all ages.
Until people know the full extent of the damage we are doing to our oceans, quite often inadvertently in most cases, things are never going to change. Projects like Friends for Sharks and Project AWARE are vitally important by taking an educational standpoint on conservation issues and I will be happy to support these kind of initiatives in any way I can.
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